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Planning Board Minutes 2011/10/06
October 6, 2011
PRESENT: Bruce Jennings, Chairman; Daniel Schneider; Bob Stanley; Donna Davis Larrow; Erin Andersen; Michael Marquise, Planner; Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
ABSENT: Peter White; Emma Smith, Ex-Officio Member
ALSO PRESENT: ~Norm Bernaiche; Peter Urbach; Terri White; John Walden; Mary Epremian; Tom Mickle; Jean Molloy; Charles Hirschberg; Wayne McCutcheon; Carol Vivian; Patrick Santoso
Members of the Zoning Board (Edward Frothingham, Charles Balyeat and William Larrow) were present in order to view the presentation given by Norm Bernaiche.
Chairman Jennings called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Tri Town Assessor, Norm Bernaiche, explained the development of the online GIS system that is located on the Town of Sunapee website.  He, along with Patrick Santoso of Sustainable Map Solutions, introduced the online information that is available, which includes spatial data combined with in-house data.  This is utilized for analysis, planning, and querying.  The data allows the user to “see” how the land will be affected by various data/layer controls.  The software can also be used to measure lot sizes and various distances of a specific area.  However, it is important to note that it does not replace a conventional survey.  Per Norm Bernaiche, the data available is based on previous deeds, tax maps and historical maps – allowing the user to develop a composite map.  Aerial photography has also been input into the system in order to allow viewing of the properties from a “reality-based” perspective.  Actual photographs of each property are also available for review using this software.
An introduction was made by Terri White, Chair of the Library Board.~ Peter Urbach presented charts for review.~ Mr. Urbach explained the site location and parking areas of the proposed site for the new library.~ A subdivision must take place in order for the library to purchase the lot.~ All is contingent on voter approval in March of next year, as well as the approval of the Planning Board for the subdivision.~ They plan to spend one year with fundraising efforts beginning in March 2012, if all goes through with the town vote.~ Construction would take place after this time.~ The bank will present a plan for the subdivision in the future.~ The Library Board will present a Site Plan Review after that time.~ Mr. Urbach’s understanding is that the lot is now zoned properly for the proposed use.~ The plan is to build an extension to the existing entrance.~ The proposed single-story building encompasses 8,000 square feet.  Twenty spaces for parking would be allotted with the potential to expand to 50 spaces in future.~ There is a 2,000 sq. ft. proposed area for a future addition which would be utilized as a community center.~ Issues such as landscaping, lighting etc. will be developed if the library is approved at this site in March of 2012.~ Chairman Jennings questioned the request for the subdivision and asked if any new items would need to be approved other than what has already been approved in the past.~ Charles Hirshberg presented a conceptual plan of the entire property with three parcels notated.~ He explained that there is the possibility of subdividing the existing house on the property.~ Phases were covered of the existing property.~ It was further stated that the proposed Sunapee Center lot has 450 ft. of frontage.~ Michael Marquise questioned the frontage measurement.~ Mr. Hirshberg stated that it is mixed use development.~ He questioned how frontage would be determined.~ Chairman Jennings stated that only the basic requirement is needed due to the zoning being “village commercial”.  Michael Marquise further stated that two-thirds of the lot must be of “buildable” character.~ He discussed the proposed setbacks and density requirements.~ Daniel Schneider questioned setbacks.~ Mr. Hirshberg questioned fire access requirements.  They need to define primary access in regard to this.~ Roger Landry stated that a secondary access that would be locked for police/fire use only is being discussed.~  He questioned whether the right-of-way would be made into a permanent/private driveway (lower access).  Presently, this serves as access to the residential units, as well as proposed access to the new library building.~ Mr. Hirshberg stated that it is all conceptual at this point.~ Chairman Jennings questioned the emergency exit.~ Michael Marquise stated that the front setback seems fine per existing regulations.~ Mr. Hirshberg further stated that town sewer and water would be utilized and stated that he understood it to be classified as a “simple” subdivision.~ ~~Mr. Urbach stated that the Claremont Savings Bank may not file for subdivision until after the vote.~ Chairman Jennings stated that this could be noted.~ The purchase and sale agreement states that all presentations would move forward and the mylars would not be released until after the town vote.~ Further, the sale is contingent on a positive town vote.~ Mr. Urbach stated that a walking trail has been discussed that would extend from the school to the library.~ Mr. Hirshberg said that they would like to put this through the Planning Board this fall.~ Regarding the existing house on the property, he questioned zoning and if the 50 ft. requirement applies.~ Both Michael Marquise and Roger Landry stated that it does not apply.  Per Chairman Jennings, the white building (existing house) was previously approved as office space.  Michael Marquise further stated that parking is to be calculated according to square footage and number of employees.~
Mr. Urbach asked if there were any further questions.~ He also stated that they would like to defer the Site Plan Review until after the town vote.~~ Chairman Jennings commented that the presentation was appreciated.~ Mr. Urbach asked if they could make another presentation in future.~ Chairman Jennings replied that this would be possible, as long as it is still in the conceptual stage.  Mr. Urbach stated that they would like to do this after the subdivision is complete.   Michael Marquise suggested that they go through the preliminary hearing process at that time so more details can be discussed.
No further questions were presented in connection with the informational presentation.
Plans were presented for review to the Board by Wayne McCutcheon and George Grant.~ Michael Marquise reviewed the application requirements – need building setback lines and utility lines and storm water drainage – all of which may or can be waived.~ ~State approval has been obtained.~ Motion by Daniel Schneider to approve as complete, subject to setback and utility lines.~ Seconded by Bob Stanley.  Motion accepted unanimously.
Mr. McCutcheon explained the details of the plan.~ State requirements have been met but the owner is requesting that setback lines be waived.~ There are no proposed utilities.~ Easements were not obtained~at the original time of deed, but he believes it has been maintained at 50 ft.~ Due to acreage, this is not required by the State.~~ This is for Lots 3 and 4 only.~ Approval has been obtained from the Goshen Planning Board on Lots 1 and 2.~ Lots 3, 4 and 5 are specified as being in Sunapee.~ The house is located on the Goshen lot only.~ Roger Landry questioned this.~ The parent lot (which is located in Goshen) is specified correctly as Lot 1.~ There are no other contingencies.   Michael Marquise stated that the Town of Sunapee requires that the mylar be signed off by the Goshen Planning Board.
No further questions were presented by the Board members.
Motion made by Bob Stanley to approve Map 239 Lot 11 subdivision of (2) 3 acre lots from a 33 acre parcel located at Messer Road to George and Deborah Grant as per plans with the subdivision to be recorded within one year. ~Seconded by Donna David Larrow. Motion accepted unanimously.
In regard to administrative requirements, the Board reviewed the meeting minutes for any required changes. Changes required as follows – Strike Lines 27 and 73.
Motion made by Daniel Schneider to approve minutes as amended. Seconded by Bob Stanley. ~Motion accepted unanimously.
Donna Davis Larrow attended the Upper Valley Regional Planning Committee Meeting.  She explained that the Town of Sunapee has been asked to find a member to be part of a new organization to discuss watersheds etc.~ The Board discussed representation, which would require a four meeting commitment.~ The Selectboard is authorized to appoint member(s).~ The Board determined that this issue would remain open.~ Donna Davis Larrow will respond to the Committee regarding ordinances presented at the meeting as required.
Chairman Bruce Jennings asked if there were any other orders of business.  No further business was presented.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Caron
Bruce Jennings, Chairman~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bob Stanley
Erin Andersen~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Daniel Schneider
Donna Davis Larrow~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter White
Emma Smith